Guidance and Post-Secondary Application Process

We are committed to providing comprehensive support and guidance to our students as they navigate the exciting journey of university applications. Our dedicated guidance team is here to assist students every step of the way, ensuring a smooth and successful transition to higher education.

At Uchenna Academy, the guidance process is multifaceted and includes the following:

Sophomore Year (grade 10): Guided career search during Careers course (GLC2O)

Grade 10 students, during their sophomore year, engage in a Careers course (GLC2O) aimed at developing essential skills, knowledge, and habits for their education and career planning. Through this course, students explore global work trends, identify opportunities within the school and community to enhance their transferable skills, and adapt to the evolving world of work. By engaging in exploration, reflection, and decision-making processes, students connect their skills, interests, and values with various postsecondary options, such as apprenticeship training, college, university, community living, or the workplace. They set goals and devise a plan for their first postsecondary year. Additionally, students learn about personal financial management, including saving and borrowing tools, to prepare for their future endeavors

Junior Year (grade 11): Guided school search and small group guidance counsellor meetings; Career specific athletics courses (GWL3O)

Our guidance counsellors meet with out students to discuss their aspirations, interests, and academic goals. The small group sessions help students explore potential career paths, understand university requirements, and develop a tailored plan for their university application process.

Our guidance team provides guided research assistance to help students explore various institutions, academic programs, and campus cultures. We help students gather information, compare options, and make informed decisions about their future educational pursuits.

During this time, students also explore various post-secondary pathways and speak to the guidance counsellor on the pre-requisite course requirements. Our philosophy is to have as many post-secondary doors open, so we often suggest for our students to take courses beyond the minimal requirement for OSSD completion. One example is having at lest one grade 12 science course, or at least two grade 12 mathematics courses completed, if the student isn’t certain about their post-secondary path. This ensures eligibility in most post-secondary Business, Finance or science related programs. We also support college and/or university pathways for our students.

For Universities in Ontario, students can complete a search on OUAC portal. 

For schools specifically in USA, students complement their MyBlueprint research using the following search websites:

  • Princeton Review USA College search: HERE
  • Colleges That Change Lives (CTCL) search: HERE
  • NCAA – DI, II, III school search: HERE (Simon Fraser U. is the only DII in Canada)
  • NAIA school search: HERE

August – October of Senior Year (grade 12 and Post-Grad): Individual guidance counsellor meetings 

At the start of their senior year, our guidance counsellors meet one-on-one with students to discuss their academic goals and program choices. These personalized sessions help students explore potential career paths, understand university requirements, and develop a tailored plan for their university application process. The students that haven’t selected their University choices are required to complete the guided school search with their guidance counsellor.

October – November of Senior Year: Application completion and coach support

Applying to universities and colleges can be a complex process, but our guidance team is here to simplify it. We provide comprehensive support in completing applications, including assistance with the Common Application (USA application portal), Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC), and Ontario College Application Service (OCAS). We ensure that students submit well-crafted applications that highlight their achievements, experiences, and potential.

We understand the importance of showcasing athletic abilities and interests to university coaches. Our guidance team collaborates with coaches to provide support in crafting impactful emails and communications to university coaches. We assist student-athletes in highlighting their skills, achievements, and aspirations, helping them make a strong impression on the coaches.

October – March of Senior Year: Financial Aid and Scholarships

Our guidance team also provides information and guidance on financial aid options and scholarships. We help students explore opportunities to secure financial assistance for their university education, ensuring that financial considerations do not hinder their aspirations.

We are dedicated to empowering our students to pursue their dreams and achieve success in their university applications. Our guidance team is committed to offering personalized support, helping students make informed decisions, and maximizing their chances of securing admission to their desired institutions. Feel free to reach out to our guidance counsellors for any questions or assistance throughout the university application process. Your future starts here!