Uchenna Academy Original High School Course

Design Your Future in Basketball

At Uchenna Academy, our students have a unique opportunity with our Business of Basketball course.  During the course, students will complete play analysis, explore career pathways, and master the NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement. The course is designed so students learn about worker rights, taxes, business, and law for a slam dunk education in sports management and beyond.

Course Overview: This course prepares you to make successful transitions to postsecondary destinations as you investigate specific postsecondary options based on your skills, interests, and personal characteristics. You will explore the realities and opportunities of the workplace and examine factors that affect success, while refining your job-search and employability skills. You will develop your portfolio with a focus on your targeted destination and develop an action plan for future success.

Course Code: GWL3O

Grade: 11

Type: Open, Optional

Prerequisite: None.

Course Units:

  1. UNIT 1: Self Knowledge and Portfolio Development – 20 hours
    • Create a portfolio to track and showcase basketball-related knowledge, skills, interests, and experiences.
    • Understand the personal-management skills, habits, and characteristics necessary for success in basketball.
    • Analyze personal characteristics, strengths, interests, skills, and competencies related to a career in basketball.
  2. UNIT 2: Skills in Basketball – 35 hours
    • Plays, sets and teamwork skills required for success in basketball, both offence and defense.
    • Understand group dynamics within basketball teams and organizations.
    • Explore ways to contribute to the basketball community and receive support for career planning.
  3. UNIT 3: Exploration of Opportunities in Basketball – Professional Player Agreements: NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) – 35 hours
    • History of the CBA, rights and obligations of both players and teams under the NBA CBA contract.
    • Explore the implications of salary caps, NBA revenue and contract clauses on the careers of NBA players and the operations of NBA teams.
    • Understand the key components and clauses of the NBA Uniform Player Contract.
  4. UNIT 4: Preparation for Transition and Change in Basketball – 20 hrs
    • Learn effective education and work requirements within the basketball industry (Sports Management, Coaching, Refereeing, Law, Marketing)
    • Set goals and create action plans for transitioning to a post-secondary career with integration of basketball.
    • Understand the transition process and strategies for managing change in a basketball career.