English, Writer’s Craft Grade 12, University Preparation
Course Code: EWC4U
Prerequisite: ENG3U
Course Description
This course emphasizes knowledge and skills related to the craft of writing. Students will analyse models of effective writing; use a workshop approach to produce a range of works; identify and use techniques required for specialized forms of writing; and identify effective ways to improve the quality of their writing. They will also complete a major paper as part of a creative or analytical independent study project and investigate opportunities for publication and for writing careers.
Overall Expectations
Please refer to the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum document for details of Overall and Specific Expectations found HERE.
Investigating Writing
- Writing, Writers, and the Writing Life: demonstrate an understanding of writing as an art, a craft, and a career as they explore the work of a variety of Canadian and international writers.
Practising Writing
- Exploring Ideas, Forms, and Styles: generate and experiment with ideas about writing content, forms, and styles;
- Drafting and Revising: organize, draft, and revise their writing, employing forms and stylistic elements appropriate for their purpose and audience;
- Editing, Proofreading, and Publishing: use editing, proofreading, and publishing skills and strategies to refine and polish their work;
- Collaborative Writing: collaborate in the writing process with peers by generating ideas, responding to peers’ work, and assessing peers’ work in a workshop setting.
Reflecting on Writing
- Metacognition: identify their strengths as writers and areas where they could improve, and assess the growth and development of their own writing style.