The Best Offense is a Good Defense
We’re Working Diligently to Keep Our Facility, Students and Staff Safe and Informed
Uchenna Academy is continually consulting with local and provincial government health officials, and supplementing those overarching guidelines with the Canada Basketball ‘Return to Basketball’ evolving protocols, to create a safe environment to protect students, student-athletes, families, and our community, while allowing for the resumption of scholastic and athletic activities.
- One time signature: All students (or if under 18 years of age, their parent/guardian), prior to coming to our Athletic Grounds, are required to complete the Assumption of Risk waiver that includes notice about the contagion exclusion.
- Daily Screening form must be completed prior to every entrance to our facility
- No one should enter the facility if they, a household member, or close contact are feeling sick or have any symptoms associated with COVID-19.
- Uchenna Academy has an entry procedure in place, developed in consultation with local and provincial standards and recommendations. This includes:
- Symptoms checklist
- Entry waivers
- Attendance tracking
- Temperature checks.
- Uchenna Academy Occupational Health Officer is responsible for the ongoing management and oversight of the activities occurring onsite.
- Uchenna Academy Occupational Health Officer is also responsible for ensuring that recent and relevant information regarding COVID-19 is regularly circulated to students and families.
- Entry to Uchenna Academy is regulated by time.
- Hand sanitizer dispensers are available at each entry point within the facility.
- Sports court scheduling is staggered to allow for a buffer (15 minutes) between the conclusion of one session and the start of the next session. This allows time for departure of the previous group and for the appropriate disinfecting procedures of surfaces and equipment (ex. basketballs, pylons).
- Spaces are marked in the facility to ensure physical distancing measures are implemented while waiting to access the court.
- We use Government of Canada approved products for cleaning, and we use them according to product instructions with respect to requirements for personal protective equipment (PPE) during use and for required dwell time after application.
- We have a rigorous approach to the systematic cleaning of all classroom spaces, playing areas, equipment, participant bags area and surfaces after every practice.
- Communal spaces (ex. water fountain, general seating areas) will remain closed to the general public in accordance with current public gathering restriction levels.
- Uchenna Academy has implemented methods and locations to safely dispose of PPE and these are made available to all students and staff.
- All students are encouraged to enter, exit and train in the most efficient way possible to minimize unnecessary contact.
- Participation in the on-court activities is voluntary and not a requirement.
- Uchenna Academy takes full attendance and contact information for every person present daily. We must be able to present this to Toronto Public Health (TPH), if required.
- Student athletes should NOT train or access the facility, if they meet any of the following criteria:
- You have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or are awaiting to hear the results of a lab test for COVID-19
- You have symptoms of COVID-19, even if mild
- You have been in contact with a suspected, probable or confirmed case of COVID-19
- You have been told by TPH that you may have been exposed to COVID-19
- You have returned from travel outside of Canada within the last 14 days
- You have returned from another province within Canada with symptoms of COVID-19
- Should an individual exhibit symptoms while in the facility, they are required to immediately notify a teacher or a coach
- If symptoms appear at school, they must wait in our Wellness Pod until they are picked up or arrangements can be made with the direction to self-isolate and seek testing for COVID-19. Call 911 for severe illness.
- The individual waiting in the Wellness Pod must wear PPE while in the Wellness Pod.
- Anyone providing care or supervision of ill employee or studnet must maintain a distance of 6 feet and use appropriate PPE (mask, face shield, gloves)
- Individuals exhibiting symptoms are strongly encouraged to seek a COVID-19 test as soon as possible.
- After an individual exhibiting symptoms has safely left the facility, any space that the participant may have accessed will be cleaned and decontaminated before they can be used.
- Student athletes are required to bring the following items. Each item must be clearly marked and NOT be shared with others:
- Water bottles filled at home (with water)
- Towel
- Sanitization products including (but not limited to):
- Gel sanitizer (>70% alcohol base)
- Disinfectant wipes
- Tissue paper
- Any necessary medical supplies
- Personal single-use food items (ex. granola bars)
- Students are strongly encouraged to keep all personal items inside a personal bag, which is placed in an isolated, marked area on the court or underneath their desk in the classroom.
- Two (2) metres of physical distancing (linear separation between individuals in all directions) should be maintained at all times. This is equivalent to MINIMUM of 4 square metres of floor space per participant.
- One teacher is positioned at the front of the classroom where they can communicate with all students.
- Physical distancing guidelines are strictly followed at all times when teachers and coaches are interacting with players (workouts, instruction, etc.)
- Unnecessary physical contact (ex. high fives, handshakes, fist bumps, etc.) are strictly prohibited.
- Students must clean their hands with hand sanitizer upon:
- Entering and exiting the facility
- Entering/exiting the sporting areas
- During every break between classes or in training (ex. water break, rest, etc.)
- Students are encouraged to use the washroom at home prior to leaving their homes. Washrooms are accessible at the school, and are cleaned regularly throughout the day.
Uchenna Academy COVID Response and Case Management Plan